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Revolution in Grün. 2012

I base this work on the idea of ¨Revolutionary Wellbeing¨, of the way in which communism allowed disparate generations to integrate into one Peasant-Revolutionary movement with its social programs and ideals.
The ¨Revolution¨ moves toward change. In the way that Red compliments the colour Green, political structures must compliment with the individuals that make up a society.
Basing myself on colour psychology I explore the conflict between ideas and actions, and how these correlate and cause a deep conflict in the individual as a social being in relation political systems’ exercise of power. In this context the individual is unable to make changes for their own welfare.
The work consists of red text “Ich glaube nicht an den Kommunismus, aber ich mag die Farbe rot. Wenn Du an den Kommunismus glaubst, male ihn grün.” (I do not believe in communism, but I like the color red. If you believe in communism, paint it green) which becomes almost invisible in the context of a red room. Inside the room there are also green canvases and paintings in which the spectator has the possibility to shift his gaze from the painful colour of communism with that of green, which promises hope and is agreeable to the eyes.

© Jeanette Chavez

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