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Canon. 2010
3 videos / 3 sculptures (bronze)

Video military 00:17:28
Video lawyer 00:24:33
Video psychologist 00:16:45

This work consists on the creation and materialization of the Face of the “Ideal Society.”
Each face will be created (by me) for the main pillars that conform and deform to a society: “The Power”, “The Justice” and “The Well-being”, that is to say, a Military, a Lawyer and a Psychologist. 
I gave to each one a pellet of mud so that they could model “their ideal face of the society.”
While they were building their model, each one of them commented, starting from their condition, what should not lack in an “Ideal Society”: The Military one as the representation of the supreme authority; the Lawyer with the installation, alteration and exclusion of new Laws; and lastly, the Psychologist starting from the valuation of the functioning of the individual's behaviour inside the society.

© Jeanette Chavez

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